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Dr. Dirgantara Wicaksono, M.Pd,MM. Tugas Pengembangan dan Inovasi Kurikulum. Judul The Nature and Basic Concepts Of Curriculum

Nama : Florence Octavia
Kelas : BSD 4
NIM : 2015820067

A. The nature of Curriculum

The term "curriculum" has various interpretations formulated by experts in the field of curriculum development since the past until the present. The berdeda interpretations vary from one another, in accordance with the gravity core and the views of the experts concerned. The term comes from the Latin curriculum, namely "Curriculae" means the distance that must be taken someone runners. At that time, the notion of curriculum is a period of education that must be taken by students who aim to obtain a diploma. In this case, a diploma essentially a proof that the student has taken the form of curriculum lesson plans, as well as a runner has to take a distance from one place to another, and finally reach the finish. In other words, a curriculum is regarded as a very important jenbatan to reach the end point of a journey and is characterized by the acquisition of a specific diploma. Some other interpretations presented below is (Hamalik, in 2008: 16-17).

The curriculum load the content and subject matter. The curriculum is a number of subjects that must be taken and studied by students to acquire some knowledge. Courses (subject matter) is seen as the experience of a parent or clever people of the past, which have been arranged systematically and logically. For example, the talent and the experience of past discoveries, then held elections and further developed systematically, ie according to a certain order, and logical, meaning that make sense and mind. The course fills the subject matter presented to the students, so as to obtain some knowledge useful to him. The more experiences and discoveries so the more eyes ajaramn to be prepared in the curriculum and should be studied by students in schools (Hamalik, 2008: 16-17).
Judging from his origin, derived from the Greek language curriculum that originally used in the field of sports, the word meaning currure mileage run. In the normal run of course there is the distance that must be taken from the start until the finish. The distance from the start until the finish called currure. On the basis of the understanding kurikulium applied in the field of education.

Many education experts and curriculum specialists are limiting sense curriculum is formulated with a few definitions differ though on initinya contained the same purpose. As an illustration, there is some sense kurukulum developed by some of the experts. Hilda Taba in his book, Curriculum Development, Theory and Practice (1962), defines curriculum as a plan for learning. J.F Kerr (1966) defines curriculum as:
"All the learning the which is planned or guided by the school, whether it is Carried on in groups or individually, inside of or outside the school".

A more complex definition of the curriculum proposed by Rene Ochs (1964) dikutipoleh Ariech Lewy (1970) as follows:
This term aqually Often to design a program for a given subject matter for the entire cycle or even the whole range of cycles. Further, the term curriculum is somestimes used in a wider sense to cover the various educational activities through the which the content is conveyed as well as materials used and methods employed.

Of the three definitions, we can conclude that the curriculum is an activity and learning activities are planned, programmed for students under the guidance of the school, both inside and outside the school. Operations on the basis of the curriculum can be defined as follows.
1. A written materials which contain descriptions of a school education program, implemented from year to year;
2. Written materials intended for use in the teaching of teachers to students;
3. An attempt to convey the principles and the most important features of an education plan in a form such that it can be implemented in the school teachers;
4. The objectives of teaching, learning experience, learning tools and means of assessment are planned and used in education; and
5. A education program planned and implemented to achieve specific educational goals.

B. Basic Concept Curriculum

Conceptually curriculum outline has three domains, namely: the curriculum as a substance, as a system of curriculum, and curriculum as a field of study.

First, the curriculum as a substance, that the curriculum is seen as an education plan in school or as a set of goals to be achieved. A curriculum is described as a written document that contains the formulation of objectives, teaching materials, teaching and learning activities, schedules, and evaluations that have been agreed and approved jointly by the compilers of curriculum and wisdom with community stakeholders.

Second, the curriculum as a system, that system is a part of the curriculum of the school system, the education system and the public system. Results of the curriculum system is the drafting of a curriculum. Curriculum as the system has the function of how your way of maintaining a dynamic curriculum to keep it running.

Third, the curriculum as a field of study, curriculum disisni serves as a discipline studied in educational institutions such as universities. The purpose of curriculum as a field of study is to develop the science curriculum and curriculum system. Those who study the field of curriculum to learn about the basic concepts of the curriculum, they also conduct research and experiments in order to find new things that can strengthen and enrich the field of curriculum studies.


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Kurikulum Negara Tugas Dr. Dirgantara Wicaksono, M.Pd

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